Monday, October 8, 2012

Life Lessons

I just found this from my file which I wrote sometime in 2006 or 2007....

….very inspiring, the words I just read this morning, it goes something to this effect…”….do not compete with your peers but rather compete with yourself.”  I had this attitude of competing with anybody else, before I wasn’t aware about it or let’s just say that I was not ready to accept that was my attitude…I was denying myself that I was like that.  Here are some tips that I enjoyed doing which helped me overcome this attitude:

1.       Pray.
Pray that He will give you strength and guidance in the process of knowing yourself.  It is not easy but through His guidance, you will never be alone, you will always be carefree to move whatever you want to do because you have accepted that He is Almighty and everything is possible!

2.       Accept yourself for who you are.
You need to know yourself deeper and better.  Know your heart’s desires and then accept what you may discover about yourself whether best or worst.  Just a reminder, be brave enough to face the discoveries you may have about yourself.  I tell you, you will go to the process of defending yourself that you are not like this like that because your mind dictates what you know is right especially when you are discovering about your negative side.  “Defending yourself” stage is normal but learn to overcome this by changing your mind set that you are not perfect and you may commit mistakes in life.

3.       Enjoy what you have.
You will be at peace about your status in life if you will learn to ignore everybody’s wealth, fabulous lifestyle or all good things about your peers, in short, do not envy your peers.  Enjoy what you have, be happy for what you have achieved in life and take it easy in achieving your goals.  Envy is the root cause of unhappiness, you will never appreciate everything you have because you are thinking that others are better than you and you will compete with them in order to get even or better than them.

4.       Practice patience in your life.
Do not let your temper gets high whenever there are things that happened not according to what you want.  Do not expect that everything you want in life will be granted to you, you need to develop patience in order to be in focus.  There is a perfect time for everything, it may not be now, it may not be later but believe that it will come according to His will.

5.       Thank the people who inspire you.
Show gratefulness to the people who inspire you to strive more and to dream big.  They may be your parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, girlfriend or boyfriend.  Do not forget to give them back whatever you have achieved and to share with them your blessings.  If you know how to thank people who have helped you through your life, there are more blessings to pour upon you.

6.       Thank God.
Thank God for everything.  The challenges, blessings, failures, success and any other feelings and happenings in your life are created by God Almighty.  Thank God for your life!

By: icv

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