I was able to research on it thru this site.. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_it_safe_to_have_intercourse_5_days_before_and_after_your_period
The question is: Is it safe to have intercourse 5 days before and after your period? the best answer I got is this
Yes, it comes under safe period.Reason being, ovulation occurs after 14 days from your last Mensuration and 7 days before and 7 days after ovulation are good enough for eggs to get fertilize and leads to pregnancy, however 5 days before the cycle and 5 days after the cycle come under safe period, as sperms can alive only for seven days and then die. This can be understand by an example-Lets says your last cycle took place on 20 April then the next ovulation date would be 20+14= 34 which makes 4 May (if last month was of 30) which means
7 days before ovulation (4-7=-3 means 27 April) and 7 days after ovulation (4+7= 11 may) is for eggs to get fertilized. that means days from 27th April till 11th May is not a safe for you and days before 27 April and after 11 May will be considered as a safe period, as sperms will die by the time next ovulation takes place. Which means 5 days before Mensuration cycle (20-5=15 April) and 5 days after cycle (20+5=25 April) comes under safe period.
So what I did was try to compute my "safe" days not to get pregnant. My last menstruation was on July 1. Based on the above computation my next Ovulation date is July 15 (1+14). 7 days before ovulation (15-7 = 8 means 8 July) and 7 days after ovulation (15+7 = 22 or 22 July), therefore days before July 8 and after 22 will be considered as a safe period. Thus, June 27 (5 days before July 1) and July 6 (5 days after July1) are safe period. As far as I remember, we had it on July 6th. (hopefully I remember it right because if not, I'm pretty sure I'll get pregnant...hope it's not)... inhale! exhale! whew!
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