I thought I was ok, I thought I had moved on but then again, now that I look back, all I can say is "Whew! How I wish I could make it last but it was already final and I cannot bring back the past." I thought I succeeded all the stages of moving on (these are my own stages, others may have different stages on how to move on, I guess it varies based on personality).
1. Denial: You cannot imagine yourself losing the relationship that you put so much time, effort and love to make it last. Sadly, it didn't work the way you wanted it to be.
2. Anger: Hated the situation. Why did it happen? You thought the relationship is smooth, suddenly, the situation changed.
3. Grieving: Since you parted ways, you can't help but grieve. Sad :(
4. Acceptance: Accepted the situation and believed that you can't bring back the past. Past is past and you totally have accepted it.
I thought I was done with these stages where I have reached the Acceptance stage already.
Now, as my end date with Cypress (Yes, this is about my relationship with Cypress as employer-employee relationship) is coming so soon, I can't help but feel sad about it. I grew up with this Company personally and professionally. I gained friends and encountered difficult people as well. These were the people who have helped me and made me stronger to face any kind of challenges. I thank them for being part of my journey. (huhuhu!!!)
Thank You Cypress for the time we've spent together. You've been so generous and I'm grateful that I was able to enjoy it and share it with the people I love.
God bless our journey! :)